Periodic Table

Chemistry Software Download
1) 103 elements and their stable isotopes activated by push buttons
2) 22 physical properties shown simultaneously in edit fields activated by radio buttons.
3) Graphics


2)22 physical properties (melting point, boiling point, electronegativity .....)
3)Stable isotopes
4)Natural abundance
6)Atomic mass
7)Magnetic moment
8)Quadropole moment
9)Resonance frequency
10)Relative receptivity
11)Magnetogyric ratio
12)Physical properties of more than 2500 unstable isotopes: Atomic mass, Half life, Decay modes, Decay energy, Particle energy, Particle intensities, Spin and Magnetic moment.
13)More than 600 decays (decay trees)
14)Magnetic susceptibility

Screenshot from CHEMIX School (version 8.0) Chemistry Software - Periodic Table  -  Hydrogen History
Periodic Table Hydrogen History

Screenshot from CHEMIX School (version 8.0) Chemistry Software - Trends Electronegativity

Trends Electronegativity

CHEMIX School Periodic Table (From an "Old" CHEMIX School version prior to version 8.0 screenshot)

Periodic Table

Periodic table with names of the elements
Periodic table with electron configuration of the elements
Interactive Periodic Table
Picture of the Periodic Table
Atomic Radius of the Periodic Table Elements
 Melting Points of the Elements Table
 Density Chart of the Elements - Periodic Table
 Heat of Vaporization Table
 Electronegativity Chart
 Periodic table with electron configuration of the elements
 Physical Properties of the Elements
 Atomic Mass Table
 Thermal Conductivity of Periodic Table Elements
 Boiling Points of the Elements Table
 Electrical Conductivity of the Elements Table
 Heat of Fusion Table of the Elements
 History of the Elements
 First Ionization Potential Table
 Oxidation Numbers - Periodic Table Elements
 Periodic table with names of the elements
 Specific Heat Capacity Table
 Trends - Periodic Table Elements
Chemical symbols - The elements
Periodic table with names and symbols of the elements
Atomic number and mass number of the elements
Periodic table with atomic number
Melting point and boiling point of elements
Electronegativity trends - periodic table
Periodic table with isotopes
Graph of electronegativity
Periodic table with symbols and names
Periodic table groups
Periodic table ionic charges
Oxidation states table of the elements
Atomic weight of the elements table
Radon 222 half life
Table of Radon isotopes
Radon 222 half life curve
History of Radon
Radon isotopes

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